Dedicated Debt Collection for the Veterinary Industry

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Never Judge a Book by its Cover

Most of us couldn’t imagine living in such conditions, however, I found a man who does.

During my recent door knocking trip to the Scottish Highlands I spent quite some time looking for a croft in the middle of nowhere.

After many wrong turns into muddy tracks and tight turnarounds in derelict farm yards I eventually found the croft I was looking for, how my small car made it through without getting stuck in the mud I will never know.

At the end of a very bumpy muddy track I came across a caravan almost buried in the trees, I looked around thinking surely no one lives in there. I approached the caravan and a dog began to bark, I knocked on the door and received no reply.

When I didn’t get a reply I looked around for a letter box to place my visit letter into, there wasn’t one. I proceeded to wedge the letter into the gap between the door and the door frame.

During this time the dog inside the caravan was bouncing around and snarling at the window this allowed me to confirm someone did live in the caravan.

I drove away thinking I would never hear from the occupant and my client may never get paid.

How wrong can you be??

When I arrived at the hotel later that evening I checked my messages to discover the person who lived in the caravan had gone online and paid in full, over £300.00

There’s a lesson for everyone here – Never Judge a Book by its Cover.

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