Dedicated Debt Collection for the Veterinary Industry

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Being a nosey neighbour

You know when someone’s having a private conversation and you can’t help overhearing, well that happened to me recently…

I spent a week in hospital earlier this month and as you may know the beds are only a few feet apart. One afternoon my neighbour had a visitor who wasted little time in enquiring how his friend was and quickly proceeded to complain about his tenants not paying their rent on time…

With my eavesdropping dial now turned all the way upto 11 (money owed – what better topic to make me H.A.P.P.Y.)

Apparently, the tenant decided to withhold rent as a maintenance issue hadn’t been dealt with and the tenant saw none payment as a way of getting the landlord’s attention!

How not to go about collecting the money owed to you…

However, it turned out the landlord didn’t speak to the tenant and the tenant didn’t speak to the landlord…

Did want to pitch in and say, “How about picking up the phone or writing a letter?”

Alas though, this would mean my nosey behaviour been rumbled!

The moral of this story…

I have seldom heard of a debt issue been resolved by not communicating with the person who owes you money.

Many issues can be resolved quickly and cheaply. True, many will ignore you and lie to you (that’s where we come in) but quite often by initiating a dialogue you do make progress.

Maybe he’ll read this post today? However, if he’s not going to take advantage of some free debt collection advice – there no reason why you can’t, is there?

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